Black gay porn stars in jail

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His Twitter account had not been updated in a few years, except for some recent activity retweeting posts by everyone else but him.Ĭonnor Maguire selfie posted on Twitter December 18, 2018 His last scene at was released a year ago in March 2018. It’s been a minute since we’ve seen Connor on screen. the past couple of years for reasons unknown.Ĭonnor Maguire is at the top of my list of stars who have gone missing, and I have not been able to find any information on the reason for his absence this past year. It got me yearning for updates on some other favorite gay porn stars who have been M.I.A. I was happy to see Kip Johnson return recently to fill the role of the easy-going straight guy which was left open by Tom Faulk who stopped working due to legal troubles. Some performers quietly and permanently quit the business without fanfare, while others go into-and-out-of retirement more often than Diego Sans changes hairstyles in a year.

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More than any other industry, porn stars tend to “cum and go.” Sometimes they return to filming after a hiatus of several months to several years.

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